Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that enhances the appearance of eyebrows. It involves using a specialized hand-held tool to create fine, hair-like strokes on the skin, depositing pigment into the upper layers of the dermis. Here’s a detailed overview of the procedure:

How Microblading Works

  1. Consultation: The process begins with a consultation with a certified microblading technician. During this session, you discuss your desired eyebrow shape, thickness, and color.

  2. Design: The technician draws the proposed eyebrow shape on your face, ensuring symmetry and that it complements your facial features.

  3. Numbing: A topical anesthetic is applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

  4. Microblading: Using a tool with fine needles, the technician makes small, hair-like incisions in the skin, manually depositing pigment into the dermal layer. This creates the appearance of natural eyebrow hairs.

  5. Aftercare: Proper aftercare is crucial for the healing process and to ensure the best results. This includes avoiding moisture, excessive sweating, and certain skincare products for a specified period.

Benefits of Microblading

  • Natural Appearance: The fine strokes mimic real eyebrow hairs, providing a natural look.
  • Long-Lasting: Results can last anywhere from 1 to 3 years, depending on skin type, lifestyle, and aftercare.
  • Time-Saving: Reduces the need for daily eyebrow makeup.
  • Customizable: Tailored to suit individual preferences in terms of shape, color, and density.

Considerations and Risks

  • Healing Time: Typically takes 7-14 days for the initial healing, but full results can be seen after about a month.
  • Touch-Ups: A follow-up appointment is usually necessary 4-6 weeks after the initial procedure to refine the results.
  • Potential Risks: As with any cosmetic procedure, there are risks of infection, allergic reactions, and dissatisfaction with the results. It’s crucial to choose a certified and experienced technician.


At Skinpheras, our core purpose is to help people live healthy, happy & confident. The objective is to set a benchmark by delivering a beautiful clinical experience that brings a smile.

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